Monday, October 11, 2010

Riihimaki/Riihimaen Lasi Oy Glass

Tonight lets look at another item from inventory - an 8 inch glass vase from the 1960's. This vase (see photo below), and others with this label are known as "Lasi" vases.

The label tells the story as to the name of vases of this type of Scandinavian Art glass made by the Riihimaki/Riihimaen company of Finland.

This particular shape was designed by Tamara Aladin, and came in several sizes and colors. I've seen this vase in 6, 8 and 10 inch versions in either clear, red, blue or green. The Riihimaki company, I believe, was renamed Riihimaen Lasi Oy around 1937, most pieces when described carry both designations Riihimaki/Riihimaen, unless labeled specifically one or the other. Aimo Okkolin, Tamara Aladin, Helen Tynell and Nanny Still are probably the best known and most prolific designers for this company.

Glass from this period, 1950's - 1970's,  tends to molded/mold blown pieces with mulitple angles or sinuous curves with repeated (or some would say echoed) forms within a single piece. Colors are usually clear single colors, cased in clear glass, with heavy bases.

This glass is fun to collect as it bright and cheerful, with many different sizes and shapes to make an interesting display. Below is another piece from around this same period, labeled Riihimaki Suomi Finland, this is believed to be a Aimo Okkolin design called "Stromboli". In addition to the label, this piece is acid stamped and engraved with the model number 1436.

Good night, see you again tomorrow.

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