Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A new beginning and a rambling start......

There are so many different subjects and categories of collecting that it is often an arduous task for me to decide what I should discuss next, and tonight is one of those nights. Time and space, and my limited typing skills, make it difficult to cover a single subject in one sitting, as there are so many facets to even a single subject, and deciding where to start, well.

Take American Art Pottery as an example, there are many, many manufactures that one could collect: Roseville, McCoy, Weller, Rookwood, Whalley, Niloak, Grueby to name only a very few; or you could collect this pottery by region or state: Ohio, Masachusetts, California, North Dakota; or a single artist: Valentine, Irvine, Bailey, Rhead; or a single pattern or line: Futura, Iris, Matte, Sunflower, Dickensware, Louwellsa; and I bet you would never tire of finding pieces to add to a collection. The options just in this one collecting category is virtually endless, so you can see why it is difficult to know where to start.

I want to encourage new collectors to start and seasoned collectors to maybe branch out into other areas, by introducing collecting areas that I find appealing, such as art pottery, glass, dolls and dishes. There is alot of territory to cover, and I don't want to overwhelm anyone with too much at once, myself included.

Thanks to my ramblings above, and I thank you for allowing me the time to do so, I have decided that probably the best way to continue is the way I started, one piece at a time, and starting with tomorrows entry I will randomly select one item from inventory and discuss that item as best I can, allowing us to explore the large territory in front of us, one square foot at a time. I'll probably skip around a bit in different areas of collecting as I randomly select an item, but that should make the journey a bit more interesting for us both.

Till tomorrow. 

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